The Planning Board of the Town of Damariscotta will hold a public hearing on September 6, 2016 at the Town Office located at 21 School St. to hear public comments on the following:
1. Floodplain Management Ordinance, Article VI.N.1: Technical changes to correct the elevation of containment walls to three feet above the base (100-year) flood elevation in tidal water.
2. Shoreland Zoning Ordinance Section 15.B.4: Technical changes to correct the elevation of the lowest habitable floors of principal and accessory structures to three feet above the base (100-year) flood elevation in tidal water.
3. Shoreland Zoning Ordinance Section 16.E: Technical changes to correct the elevation of the lowest habitable floors, including basements, of principal and accessory structures to be three feet above the base (100-year) flood elevation along tidal rivers.
Copies of amended ordinance sections are available at Town Hall.
All citizens interested, are invited to attend and comment.