Pursuant to 38 M.R.S.A 1022, notice is hereby given that the Town of Westport Island has made application within the Town of Westport Island for a license to construct a sand and salt building facility on:
1. Property located on Map 5 Lot 32.6 on Westport Island, ME.
2. The property is abutted as follows:
On the North by Map 5, Lot 37 owned by Kristina Brown-Viscea;
On the North by Map 5, Lot 38 owned by Robert W. Coggins;
On the North by Map 5, Lot 36 owned by Westport Volunteer Fire Dept.
On the South by Fowles Point Road;
On the East by Map 5, Lot 3 owned by Jeanne L. Gray;
On the West by Rte #144
3. Hearing date is October 28th, 2016 at 3:00 P.M. onsite.
Submitted by the Westport Island Planning Board, C.E.O, and Selectmen.
Ruth Nelson
Planning Board Chair
George D. Richardson, Jr.
First Selectman