Pursuant to Executive Order 11988 (Floodplain Management) and 11990 (Wetlands) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) implementing regulations at Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 9, FEMA hereby provides final notice of its decision to provide Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant Program funding for an action located in a floodplain and wetland. Funding would be provided through Maine Emergency Management Agency to the Town of Wiscasset for the Old Ferry Road Project.
The action would be located on Old Ferry Road in Wiscasset, Maine. The project would involve placing permanent and temporary fill below the ordinary high mark of an unnamed tributary to
Back River and in an adjacent tidal wetland. The new culvert would be installed (including backfill and aggregate subbase), the roadway would be paved, and a new sewer force main and guardrails
would be installed. The slopes would be restored by placing riprap.
Prior to construction, a water diversion method would be installed, as would a temporary gravel roadway (north side), temporary concrete barrier to reduce traffic to one lane, temporary structural supports, and temporary and proposed water lines. The existing culvert 0and sewer force mains would both be removed. The project would be contained within the existing right-of-way by extending bridge wingwalls balanced with slope grading to avoid impacts beyond the
right-of-way. Easements would not be required to complete work.
The project is within a mapped special flood hazard area (100-year floodplain) and is in an area that contains bordering marine and estuarine wetlands. The project would help restore flood water conveyance, improve hydraulic conditions, and reduce flood risk to the community. The project would be required to maintain access in and out of Old Ferry Road, a dead-end roadway. A map of the area of available upon request.
The project must in be in a floodplain and wetland due to the nature and purpose of the project. Alternate solutions were considered, including a no-build alternative, new access alternative, and
bridge removal and channel restoration alternative. The preferred alternative would be a more efficient design with an improved capacity. Grant conditions would also require compliance with all federal, state and local laws, including coordination with the local floodplain administrator.
.0Map requests and comments about this project and potential floodplain and wetland impacts should be submitted within 15 days of the date of this publication to:
Sherri Paul
Grants Management Specialist, Mitigation Division,
FEMA Region I
sherri.paul@fema.dhs.gov (202) 919-1623