AOS98 is conducting a competitive bid process for Snow Removal, Sanding & Salting at the Boothbay Harbor High School, Elementary School, Superintendent’s Offi ce, and the Edgecomb Eddy School.
Bids will be opened and read aloud at the AOS98 Central Office Conference Room, 51 Emery Lane, Boothbay Harbor, Maine 04538 at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 3, 2019.
Please provide the following information,
1. Plowing costs per blade width.
2. Loader cost by front bucket yard size.
3. Truck cost per hour, for snow removal, by body size (yards)
4. Cost per yard for Sand, including truck time
5. Cost per yard for Salt, including truck time.
Bid worksheet is available on the www.aos98schools website or
contact Dave Benner
Sealed Bids, in envelopes plainly marked “Snow Removal” and
addressed to:
Dr. Keith Laser, Ed.D. / Superintendent of Schools
AOS98 Central Offi ce
51 Emery Lane
Boothbay Harbor, Me. 04538
All questions should be referred to, David Benner, Director of Facilities & Transportation
Tel. 207-633-9870 / Cell 207-380-7871