The Newcastle Select Board have scheduled a Special Town Meeting to be held on March 25, 2024, at 7 pm at the Newcastle Fire Station Community Room, located at 86 River Road to vote on the following:
ARTICLE 1: To elect a moderator by written ballot to preside at said meeting.
ARTICLE 2: Shall the Town amend the Fireworks Ordinance?
ARTICLE 3: Shall the Town amend the Finance Committee Ordinance?
ARTICLE 4: Shall the Town raise and appropriate a sum of money not to exceed $556,000 to purchase a KME Pumper Fire Truck through a loan agreement or municipal bond with terms deemed by the municipal officials as being in the town’s best interest?
ARTICLE 5: Shall the Town vote to allocate the remaining $24,070.64 of American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) funds to offset the expenditures related to the clean up from the December 18, 2023 winter storm as permitted in the 2023 Interim Final Role to provide emergency relief from natural disasters or their negative economic impacts?
All Newcastle voters and interested parties are invited to attend.