Pursuant to 38 M.R.S.A. 1022, notice is hereby given that Andrew B. Gardner has made application within the Town of Westport Island for a license to construct and install a seasonal ramp and float extending approximately:
56 +/- feet into the Sheepscot River at the property located on Map 3, Lot 23.1 on 176 East Shore Rd., Westport Island, Maine.
The property is abutted on the North by Map 3, Lot 22 owned by John B. Swanton; on the South by Map 3, Lot 23.2 owned by Dana Grant; on the East by the Sheepscot River; and on the West by Map 3, Lot 21 owned by John B. Swanton.
The hearing date is May 10 at 5:00 PM onsite.
Submitted by the Westport Island Select Board.