Important dates
Friday, May 25: Full student day
Tuesday-Friday, May 29 to June 1: BOGO Book Fair
Wednesday, May 30, 5:30 p.m.: Spring concerts
Friday, June 1: Incoming kindergarten visit
Wednesday, June 13, 5:30 p.m.: Eighth-grade promotion
Monday, June 18: Last student day — dismissal at noon
From the principal, Lynsey Johnston
The end of the year is fast approaching! There are a lot of events that happen between now and the last day that take place outside — field trips, a field day, etc., as well as being outside for recess. This is just a reminder that being outside comes with exposure to sun and bugs (including ticks) and more. We do not provide sunscreen or bug repellant for all students as we do not know everyone’s preferences and needs on chemicals, levels of protection, sensitive skins, etc. Please remember to send students with appropriate items, or apply at home prior to coming to school if it will cover the time frame of the event.
Thanks for working with us to keep everyone happy and healthy!
JVS recycling
Since our Earth Day celebration, we have been working on paper recycling here at JVS. The classrooms all have new recycling bins and have been very good about sorting out their paper recycling from regular trash.
There are some middle-level students, mostly Odyssey of the Mind members and friends, that work together once a week to empty the bins and gather the paper recycling as well as cans and bottles to be turned in. Odyssey parent Meegan Burbank has been bringing in the recycling to the transfer station for us. It is nice to see our students making a difference and thinking about the Earth. Thanks for all your hard work, and keep it up!
Decorating rocks
Jennifer St. Cyr’s kindergarten class is planning on doing a project with the book “Only One You,” by Linda Kranz. We are hoping to have everyone in the whole school decorate a rock that we can put outside in our garden. We are looking for rocks.
Those who are able to donate rocks are asked to please drop them off by our garden shed; that would be greatly appreciated. We are looking for rocks that are big enough to paint, but small enough that we can lift them.
Thank you!
PTA news
Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 5 at 6 p.m. We will be voting on PTA officers for the 2018-2019 school year. All officer positions are open. This will be our last meeting of this school year. Happy summer, everyone!