The third annual Liberal Cup Biathlon was held on Jan. 26 at the Hidden Valley Nature Center in Jefferson. Over 150 racers competed in what turned out to be a great day.
Competitors ranged between 8 and 65 years old. Some participants had plenty of racing experience, but for others, it was their first time on skis. Racers competed in age classes, as well as for overall best team costume and best team name. Finish times and awards can be found on
The Liberal Cup Biathlon is a fun, amateur event aimed at giving HVNC’s community yet another way to get out and enjoy Maine’s outdoors. While the competitive spirit abounded, it was clear that most folks were out to have a good time with family and friends. Despite bitter cold and less than ideal snow conditions racers were smiling and laughing all day.
It wasn’t just racers having a good time though. Everywhere one looked there were orange vested volunteers directing parking, ushering skiers around a turn, or serving hot food to cold spectators. “We really cannot pull off an event like this without support from our community. We had nearly 50 volunteers today” said Jane Solorzano, volunteer coordinator for the day.
The day was also made a success due to great financial support from local businesses. The Liberal Cup brew pub in Hallowell has been the primary sponsor for this event for several years. Geoff Houghton, owner of the brewpub, was on hand serving Smelt Camp Strong Ale after the races.
“This is just a great, fun event and I’m happy to support something like this in my backyard” said Houghton.
Other sponsors and supporters included Teens to Trails, Bath Savings Institution, Renys, Newcastle Chrysler Dodge Jeep, the Southern Maine Biathlon Club, and the Maine Winter Sports Center.
The Hidden Valley Nature Center is dedicated to offering organized and unorganized opportunities for outdoor recreation in Maine year round. In addition to non-motorized recreation the center offers great opportunities for nature-based learning and exploration of a unique, and diverse landscape in Midcoast Maine.
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