Lincoln Academy girls’ soccer team wrapped up their KVAC season in dramatic fashion Friday night at home. Katherine Bolster broke a scoreless tie with 2:13 to go to lift the Eagles to a 1-0 victory over Rockland. With the win, the Eagles improve to 6-8.
Lincoln made a couple of nice runs in 1st half action, but were unable to break the Tiger net, guarded by Natalie Russell. Russell came up big in 2nd half action, stopping shots from Carly Erskine, Megan Peavey, Bolster, Sarah Alley and Sara Komorowski.
Lincoln’s offensive pressure finally paid off in the waning minutes, when Bolster pounded five to six shots in succession on net. Russell and a Tiger defender were on their hands and knees and bellies blocking shot after shot, including a handball save, before Bolster scored the game winner. Lincoln had 11 2nd half shots, while holding the Tigers shotless. Emma Lazzari made two saves in the 1st half for the Eagles. Russell made 10 2nd half saves for Rockland.