The Medomak Valley Pee-Wee Wrestling program (pre-K through Grade 4) begins on Mon., Feb. 2 and runs through April.
Boys and girls from the SAD 40 area are welcome and encouraged to participate. This program will introduce basic skills and techniques.
Wrestlers will compete against other wrestlers within the same weight class. Winning is kept in the proper perspective; however, competition is viewed as a necessary part of the learning process.
The program builds stamina, coordination, and general fitness. It also helps develop self-confidence and self-discipline.
Practices will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:30-6 p.m. at Medomak Middle School. Wrestling matches and tournaments are being scheduled and will be announced at a later date.
There are small fees associated with tournaments.
Questions may be directed to Trevor Readinger (975-1854), Jed Harris (832-6045), or Billy Bramhall (832-4471). Hope to see everyone there.