Although it may not feel like it, summer is right around the corner, and with it comes the 2018 Lincoln Little League Challenger Division season. Registration for the season will take place Sundays, June 3 and June 10 at the Central Lincoln County YMCA, at 525 Main St. in Damariscotta.
Little League created the Challenger Division in 1989 as a way to enable children with physical or developmental challenges to play baseball. More than 30,000 children participate in Challenger divisions in more than 900 Challenger divisions worldwide.
Teams are set up based on ability, rather than age. While geography determines what team a player will compete with in Little League, the Challenger division does not have as stringent limitations. Locally, there are two Challenger division teams for players to join – Medomak Valley and Lincoln County.
In the Challenger Division, a buddy is assigned to each player to assist with batting, fielding, and running bases if needed. Each player has a chance to bat, and there are no scores recorded.
Player registration will take place from 2-3 p.m. on both June 3 and June 10. For more information, call Paul J. Miner at 837-9703 or email him at
Lincoln Little League, the Damariscotta-based affiliate of the international Little League organization, serves the towns of Damariscotta, Newcastle, Bremen, Jefferson, Bristol, South Bristol, Nobleboro, Wiscasset, and the Boothbay region.