Wiscasset made several good runs at Boothbay, but were unable to close the gap Thursday night in the two teams’ Mt.Valley Conference closer. The Seahawks led 17-11, 31-24 and 54-46 at the quarter breaks.
Scoring for the Seahawks were Anthony DiMauro 29, John Hepburn 10, Steve Barter 7, Andrew Hallinan 6, Evan Hepburn 6, Kameron Markee 6, Joseph DiMauro 4 and Linc Simmons 4. Scoring for Wiscasset were Travis Padilla 16, Dylan McMahon 12, Dale Peaslee 11, Chandler Longfellow 6, Matt Craig 5, Austin Haskell 4, JD Souza 2 and Matt Johnson 2.
Wiscasset finishes the season at 10-8, and Boothbay at 17-1.