Wiscasset boys and girls summer basketball camp will resume this year after not having a program for a couple of years. Wiscasset high school coaches Rick Larrabee (boys) and Bob ‘Radar’ Applebee (girls) will be co-directors of the camp, which will be held at the Wiscasset Community Center. High school players will help at the camp.
The one week camp runs from Aug. 1-5 from 1-5 p.m. Sign-ups are through the Wiscasset Community Center. The cost of the camp is $75, with a family rate of $150. The fee includes a t-shirt and a basketball.
The camp is open to students entering grades 3-8.
“I am really excited about it. There has not been a camp in a couple of years,” Larrabee said.
Larrabee said the camp will consist of games, skills and drills, and guest speakers. “It will be something new for them. There has not been anything in a long time,” Larrabee said.
“Without the Community Center’s help we could not have a camp” Larrabee said of using the WCC baskets, which can be lowered to accommodate the younger participants. “I can not thank him enough. I am completely grateful,” Larrabee said of WCC director Duane Goud.
Open gym
Wiscasset high school coaches will also be holding open gyms for students in 7-12 grades at the high school. Boys open gym will be held on Monday and Wednesdays, and the girls on Tuesday and Thursdays at Wiscasset Middle High School. WCC director Duane Goud has also opened up the weight room at the WCC for basketball players to train.
Larrabee said he is planning on scheduling a couple of games in the summer open gym program, which begins the second week in June and runs for six weeks. During open gym, athletes will work on skills and play games.
“This is new to the team,” Larrabee said of holding a summer program, which the boys high school program has not had for several years.