Round Pond Schoolhouse Association President Cynthia Wright accepts an early donation of solid-oak dining room chairs from the Stano family, of Round Pond.
This is everyone’s chance to go “full Marie Kondo” with spring cleaning as they sort out what to donate to the 12th annual Attic, Basement, Closet Rummage Sale sponsored by the Round Pond Schoolhouse Association.
This year’s sale will be on Saturday and Sunday, May 25 and 26 at the historic Washington Schoolhouse in the heart of Round Pond village in Bristol.
Designated drop-off day for donations will be Thursday, May 23. To arrange an alternate drop-off time, call Cynthia Wright at 529-5674 or Bill Smith at 529-2008.

This rowing machine will be among the bargains at the 12th annual Attic, Basement, Closet Rummage Sale.
People should consider donating small appliances, furniture and furnishings, framed art and photographs, antiques, jewelry, kitchen supplies, exercise gear, outdoor equipment, gardening items, peninsula treasures, toys, and usable tools that are no longer needed. Please note: The schoolhouse board regrets that it cannot accept TVs, computers, large appliances, clothing, and boxes of books.
All funds raised will go toward the continuing restoration of the Washington Schoolhouse and fulfilling the mission to maintain this 19th century landmark as a museum for displaying local historical articles and a place to provide educational, cultural, and community events for Round Pond village.
For more information visit roundpondschoolhouse.org or the Facebook page “Round Pond Schoolhouse.”