On Friday, Dec. 23, Spectrum Generations Coastal Community Centers volunteer Meals on Wheels drivers will deliver hot meals to recipients, along with community-supported agriculture and holiday-ornament gift bags.
Members of the public are encouraged to help Spectrum Generations Coastal Community Center staff members and volunteer Meals on Wheels drivers give a bit of holiday spirit and joy to older and disabled adults who are so deserving and yet so isolated. By sponsoring a gift of a meal, one will bring a smile to one’s homebound neighbors during the holiday season.
On Friday, Dec. 23, Spectrum Generations Coastal Community Center’s volunteer Meals on Wheels drivers will deliver hot meals to recipients, along with community-supported agriculture and holiday-ornament gift bags, and a holiday card from those community members and businesses sponsoring the meals.
The suggested donation for one meal coupon is $5. A donation of $25 will provide one area senior with meals for a week. A month’s worth of meals costs $100. For a donation of $1,300, one can adopt a Meals on Wheels consumer for a full year, thus assuring this person in the community — possibly a neighbor – receives a total of 260 meals.
It costs Spectrum Generations approximately $6.65 to prepare and deliver a hot and nutritious meal to aging and disabled members of the community, yet donations average only 75 cents per meal. Community members are encouraged to help fill that gap by giving the gift of a meal. This will also help keep community members’ names from appearing on a Meals on Wheels waiting list due to lack of funding. A holiday gift card with the donor’s name on it will be placed in the gift bag of the Meals on Wheels consumer.
Send donations to: Spectrum Generations, 521 Main St., Ste. 8, Damariscotta, ME 04543 by Tuesday, Dec. 20. Make checks payable to Spectrum Generations.
For more information and/or to learn more about becoming a volunteer Meals on Wheels driver or a Spectrum Generations Coastal Community Center volunteer, call Marianne or Kellie at 563-1363.