Order bird seed before the first migrants arrive. (Courtesy photo)
It’s time to prepare for spring bird-feeding. Mid-Coast Audubon will be accepting bird seed orders until Feb. 25 to raise funds to support bird conservation and education programming. Orders can be placed online or by mail-in form available at midcoast.maineaudubon.org.
Seed must be picked up on Saturday, March 5 from 10 a.m. to noon at one of two locations: Plants Unlimited, 629 Commercial St (Route 1) in Rockport, or Lincoln County Publishing, 116 Mills Road, Newcastle. Specify on the order form where you will pick up.
Five varieties will be offered this spring: Black oil sunflower seed 20 pounds for $22, 40 pounds for $36; Sunflower meaties (hulled) 25 pounds for $30, or 50 pounds for $52; Melody Mix 20 pounds for $17, 40 pounds for $28; Thistle (Nyger) 5 pounds for $12; and Suet blocks, $2.50 each.
All seed is pre-ordered, so make sure payment is received by Feb. 25 at 5 p.m. Order online at midcoast.maineaudubon.org or download an order form. Make your check payable to Mid-Coast Audubon, and send to Seed Sale Sue, 12 Audubon Road, Bremen, ME 04551.
For more information, check the Facebook page, or contact Sue by email at sschubel@tidewater.net and put BIRDSEED in the subject line.