The town of Damariscotta has designated an area of the municipal parking lot behind Stars Jewelry as short-term snowstorm parking.
This notice is for all motorists that park on any street or road, or in the municipal parking lot after hours in Damariscotta. In accordance with the Town of Damariscotta Traffic and Parking Ordinance, Article 1.17 Winter Parking, parking is prohibited on any street, road, or municipal parking lot from Nov. 15 to April 15 between the hours of 9 p.m. and 7 a.m.
The town has designated the area of the municipal parking lot behind Stars Jewelry — not the spaces directly adjacent to the building — as “short term snow storm parking.” This area is designed to give downtown residents a place to park during snow plowing and removal. It is for temporary short term use only. Vehicles must be moved by 7 a.m. sharp the day after the storm or will be towed. The town will place signs marking the exact area available for this short-term parking. Any vehicle found in violation may be removed at the owner’s expense.
The Damariscotta Police Department would like to help prevent vehicles from being ticketed and towed. Local residents are invited to stop by the police department and fill out the form with their vehicle and contact information, and the department will try to contact owners before having the vehicle towed.
For more information, call 563-1909 or 563-5168.