Laurel Dodge (Courtesy photo)

Kay Tobler Liss (Courtesy photo)
Authors Kay Tobler Liss, of Jefferson, and Laurel Dodge, of Nobleboro, will have a booth at this year’s Maine Book Fest in Waterville on Sunday, Aug. 25. The first festival was held last year in Hallowell, and this year festival has at least doubled in the number of authors and activities to take place, according to the founder, Maddie Smith.
Maine Book Fest will feature more than 50 authors over the two-day event, along with dozens of workshops, presentations, and discussions.
The festival location is Head of Falls Park. Directions and a schedule of events can be found at themainebookfest.com.
Tobler Liss is a novelist whose second book is titled “Coming Home.” Dodge published her first novel, “The Buoyant Letters of Mimsy Bell,” in November 2023. The authors share a passion for the natural world, which they weave into their novels not just as background scenery but as an integral part of the story.
Tobler Liss majored in literature at Bard College and completed a year-long environmental studies program at Southampton College of Long Island University. Dodge majored in anthropology and environmental studies at Bowdoin. Dodge has written, and illustrated, a previous book about the natural world for children and adults.
The authors have been appearing locally at various venues including bookstores and libraries.
“We are on the same page about important stuff, and sharing a booth at what looks to be a great book fair will be fun for both of us,” said Tobler Liss.