In addition to the disastrous school consolidation, state take-over of county jails, LD 1 and Dirigo legislation, now we also have LD 1495. LD 1495 is touted by the state as “tax relief” for Maine families and businesses and that the tourists will bear the brunt of the “exported” taxes: not so!
Last week, we said goodbye to one of our most enduring and entertaining columnists, Chris Cooper and his beloved column, “In the Garden Wet With Rain. We can safely say beloved because we have had no end of responses from fans in house and out all expressing some sort of regret about Mr. Cooper’s farewell.
Commentary – Climate Action Club Celebrates Local Supporters Of The Reusable Bag Campaign
This summer marks a triumph for our town. Lincoln Academy’s Climate Action Club has spent the year campaigning to reduce the use of plastic bags in Damariscotta. We developed a plan in which reusable bags would be sold in local stores. Now our vision has come to fruition. The bags are coming.
Successful Town-Wide Clean-Up
On May 23, a successful town-wide road clean-up was accomplished in Jefferson. Many, many thanks to all the volunteers who helped with the effort.
Remembering Harold Benner
Harold Benner will be missed.
On Thurs., June 4, a tragic, yet totally avoidable accident claimed the life of Harold Benner within a short distance of his home. He was driving responsibly, as he always did, and fell victim to someone driving on the wrong side of the Rt. 235, most likely at excessive speed.
Health Care Is A Right
The battle has been joined. Already we hear that the health insurance industry is investing massively in a public relations campaign to defeat inclusion of any government sponsored component in upcoming health care legislation. Even the “Swift Boat” team is resurrecting itself to join the fight.
The story goes that legendary Lakota Sioux war chief Crazy Horse would ride into battle encouraging his warriors with the war cry “Hoka hey” which, in the context of battle, translates into the cheerful slogan: “This is a good day to die.”
It used to be you could go on an errand and leave your door unlocked. Or, perhaps, the wheelbarrow could sit in the front yard for days, before you got back to completing the chore.
Not anymore.
Please Vote Yes For The Library Budget
On June 9, when next year’s town budget comes to the residents of Waldoboro for approval, we have a chance to vote for our priorities. When we read the list of tax-dollar-eating proposals, let’s give careful thought to what we receive for those shrinking dollars, and support the institutions that may best help us out of the financial fix we’re in.
Anything But A Free Place To Live
I read in your May 28 issue the reports from the three police stations, namely Waldoboro, Damariscotta and Lincoln County Sheriff departments and their list of people they issued seatbelt violations to. The total number was 108.
It is hard to argue with a fire department. You might as well call a spandex-clad superhero a sissy.
Firefighters, by dint of their profession, are heroic public figures hell-bent on saving lives rescuing people and generally spending long hours in the saddle in the name of community service.
It has been our position since day one that Gov. John Baldacci’s school consolidation proposal effort is a poorly conceived, hastily enacted, and horribly mismanaged piece of legislation that was never given a hearing in front of the people most affected.
For The Children Of Course
Let’s see, we have all conserved on our driving and gas use and the state now has to raise the gas tax. Otherwise our roads will crumble and bridges will collapse.
What the heck will happen when we all get 45 miles to the gallon or drive electric cars? Less tax collected means less money for our elected folks to spend.
Thank You For A Successful Day
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the sponsors, organizations, parade participants, and the committee members who contributed in many ways to Waldoboro Day this year.
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