Bremen’s Town Meeting is March 28. I urge all residents to attend and to vote against articles 51 and 52. Both are from citizen petitions run amuck. These are personal amendments, especially 52, that will affect all of Bremen, our future and for many, our livelihoods.
Yellowfront Is Not Closing
I would like to address some of the rumors that have been circulating around town lately.
First of all, Yellowfront Grocery is not closing. Second of all, we are not going bankrupt.
We Need Education Reform
I agree with President Obama on the desperate need for education reform.
As a former anti-union teacher, I wish him luck in taking on the unions and the education industry. We need to somehow reward good teachers (definitely not through their student’s performance on standardized tests), end tenure and fire bad teachers. We need to repeal No Child Left Behind and encourage charter schools.
It’s Not The Bus, It’s The Other Drivers
I am the owner of the Mediterranean Kitchen downtown. I was not able to get to the meeting last week.
I have a front row seat everyday to the bus. I see no problem with the bus stopping where it does now. I do see a problem with the rest of the drivers.
If people were more courteous and patient, the flow of traffic would be smoother.
We Got What We Voted For
Not one of our representatives to the Congress read the alleged “stimulus” bill. Now we find out the AIG bonuses were included in it. The President said it was critical that it be passed immediately – or else. He is now “surprised” and “shocked” at the bonuses.
I’d Appreciate Your Vote
My name is John York and I live on West Neck Road with my wife, Rhonda, and my two sons, Austin and Gage. I have been the road commissioner for the last eight years and hope to continue in this capacity for the next term.
Care For Our Troops Program
Sgt. Paul Baptist of Bristol is attached to the 439th Civil Engineering Squadron out of Chicopee, Mass. This Air Force unit has recently been deployed to Afghanistan for six months.
Keep The Buses Coming
One of the great conveniences of Midcoast is the Trailways bus stop in Damariscotta. Even before the gas prices rose, a lot of family and friends found it a pleasant way to come for a visit.
Where Is The Customer Service?
On March 5 at 5 a.m. I saw a doe out on the ice in front of our home. I took a picture. Then I realized that the ice she was standing on was very thin. A few days earlier, it was nothing but open water.
Fire Chief Duties And Responsibilities
When I became a member of the Newcastle Fire Company in 1983, Paul Bryant was fire chief and Clayton Huntley was First Assistant Chief. At that time we had two meetings a month, the first was a business meeting and the second was training.
Waterfront Loophole Dangerous
Bremen town meeting is next Sat., March 28. I urge all voters to attend.
My last letter addressed two warrant articles that could conceivably alter the waterfront and the commercial fisheries district. It seems that one article, 52, has been re-drafted and will be added as an amendment to the warrant – right under the wire. This article is particularly pernicious. It has the potential to destroy bit by bit the commercial fisheries district.
Please Help To Keep You And Others Safe
I am a concerned citizen who cares about public safety. I live just north of Pine View Restaurant, one of the busiest intersections in our region. I sit at my window and watch the traffic coming north on Rt. 1 and on Main Street coming north out of town with no headlights on.
Want To Get Back Decent Jobs?
Want to know where all the decent jobs went? Go down to the store and read the “Made In _____” labels. Want to know how to get them back?
Publish a list of tariffs to be levied on imports and watch the merchants scurry around for U.S. made products to fill the pipeline.
Should We Just Because We Can?
Here’s a trend no one predicted: pregnancy. Stand in a grocery checkout line and see the headlines about which celebrity is pregnant; which one has a new baby.
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