We write in response to the letter to the editor titled “Racism isn’t all about color,” by Jarryl Larson, of Edgecomb, dated April 16. We agree with Mrs. Larson’s premise that “Racism isn’t all about color.”
Noisy Offering
The children at our church take a “noisy offering” once a month to aid some nonprofit group, an individual or a community organization that has a need for financial support.
Autism Awareness Through The Eyes of a Teen
April is Autism Awareness Month and I’m on the autistic spectrum. Life is hard for people like us. A lot of people try to fix us. You can’t fix us. The only way you can “cure” us is by being our friend.
Money, a very wise man once said, is only important, not for baubles it buys, but for the thing it creates…
Lincoln County Healthcare Does, In Fact, Pay Property Tax
During this time of year, when town budget committees, boards of selectmen and town administrators are working diligently to craft a budget for their towns, Lincoln County Healthcare employees and administrators are likely to hear concerns that our organizations don’t pay property taxes.
The folks at the Lincoln County Communications Center are a daily part of life at The Lincoln County News. We hear their voices over the scanner as we go about our daily bustle. Most of the breaking news stories we write starts with them.
We Welcome You
Lincoln Academy has been a pillar of this community for more than 200 years, and this Friday we celebrate the opening of two new buildings that will support our mission and greatly enhance our students’ experience.
Three Goals
I have lived in Waldoboro for over 27 years and have seen the Waldo Theatre open and close its doors under various directors. The first show I saw there was comedian Tim Sample.
Unfortunate and Unrepairable
The LePage administration is proposing to merge Maine’s Bureau of Public Lands with the Maine Forest Service, in order to further its goal of increasing timber harvests on our public lands.
This is a terrible idea.
We can’t imagine there is a person alive today who hasn’t been touched by cancer in some form, shape, or fashion.
As far as diseases go, cancer is the great equalizer. It is no longer the deadly scourge it used to be, but it still makes victims of us all.
Legitimate Points
In regards to the article on Bristol’s town meeting (“Bristol voters approve all 53 articles at town meeting,” LCN, 3/19/15, Page 1) my neighbor Mike Alderson raised legitimate points questioning the policy of paving low-use gravel roads.
A Reckless Statement
Okay, Mr. Slason, we have read your rant on Israel Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu, concerning his speech delivered before Congress, Monday, March 4.
We Can Make This Better
I’ve been living in our great state of Maine for 32 years, and I’m tired.I’m tired of negative campaigning during election years, which gets worse every cycle. Every election cycle we hear the same complaints about negativity, and every cycle all the candidates do more of it. Why? Because in our current system, it works.
Thank You, Jack
How often we hear the term hero used when watching the nightly news, but seldom do we hear the term used to describe an individual whose heroic deeds occurred 70 years ago, because they have been long forgotten.
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