During my 15 years of working as a financial arbitrage trader in Chicago and London, more often than not I found myself glued to the trading desk when lunchtime rolled around. Our runner, Jack, knew all of my favorite sandwich shops.
View from Over the Hill Conspiracy Theories
I have been amazed at how many folks have asked me: did I get the water back? The water came back quickly. Since I wrote last week about losing the suction, I have discovered what really happened. Robin was mowing and asked my nephew to move the hose. He gave it a yank and flipped it out of the way. But no one could see down in the bushes where the hose joint was pulled apart, thus running freely till the water went below the end of the intake pipe. I poured a lot of water for nothing until I discovered it.
We are happy to welcome another new business to Lincoln County this week with the opening of Split Rock Distilling off Route 1 in Newcastle.
Bogus, Illegal ‘Reforms’ Won’t Feed Hungry Children
Maine administers the federally funded Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, so Mainers who might otherwise go hungry can put food on the table. The program, formerly known as “food stamps,” benefits children, the elderly, people with disabilities, and people who are temporarily down on their luck – more than 190,000 Mainers. Nearly three-quarters live in poverty and nearly one-quarter below 50 percent of the federal poverty level.
Skidompha Book Shop’s Yellowfront Annex
How many times have you headed for Yellowfront Grocery to pick up something for dinner and wondered what in the world to cook? It’s the end of a long day. You don’t want to have to think … fear not!
Coastal Economist
Yesterday I met a fellow who expressed mild frustration at his inability to lose weight. I inquired about his diet, which consists of Five Guys frappes and bacon burgers, and his exercise pattern, which reaches its pinnacle when the TV channel needs changing. He did voice one victory in that he now only buys the small French fries with the burger and frappe – a life-changing diet indeed!
View from Over the Hill Pain royal
We had been having a wonderful week getting ready for the Fourth. We had a fun time at the fireworks store in Wiscasset and spent far too much money. Robin has been running a small, discreet overnight camping site, and some of our campers brought fireworks too. So everything was going smoothly when, suddenly, disaster hit the farm. The well went dry and we lost the gravity suction to the spring 1,200 feet away.
July 4, 2016 marks the 240th anniversary of America’s Declaration of Independence from England, but the holiday has come to symbolize and celebrate all the freedoms we enjoy.
Investing In the Boothbay Region
The dedication and grand opening of the new Zimmerli Pavilion at St. Andrews Village on June 24 was a wonderful event. My sincere and heartfelt thanks go out to the anonymous donors, the community organizations who supported the project, and the many individuals whose dedication and hard work made the Zimmerli Pavilion a reality.
Capitalism Needs Tweaking
Numbers can be so instructive, yet they do not always register on everyday lives, as most individuals are concerned with their personal survival and their family’s well-being. Then, along comes a newspaper headline that reads “Unum may outsource hundreds of tech jobs.”
View From Over the Hill
There are good things happening despite the atrocities we hear about every day now. One of the good things right now is my beautiful rose bush growing out next to the drive. I think it gives a new definition to the color red. Hope you like it.
Thrifty Good Food
Summer seemed a long time coming this year in Maine. Having finally arrived with its warmth, summer seems to make us do at least some things more leisurely to savor each day with its blue sky and verdant countryside. It is also the season when friends and relatives from “away” find themselves drawn to a visit “up North.”
Good news for libraries is good news for all of us.
Issues vs. Personal Attributes
Civility and a focus on issues would be nice if the “game” always made it easy to separate the personal from the policy.
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