To the Editor:
With the Presidential election less than a week away, there are still undecided voters out there, so here are a few facts to help you not vote for more of the same Republican rhetoric for president.
Thanks for a successful Jog-A-Thon at GSB
To the Editor:
Last Thursday the GSB PTO put on our 14th Annual Jog-a-Thon fundraising event in which every student from Kindergarten through 8th Grade jogs laps to help raise money for their school.
Don’t Let An Appealing Slogan Confuse The Issue
To the Editor:
Fed up with taxes? [Vote yes on] referendum 1.
Certainly an appealing slogan, but please think what would be taxed. Not milk, fruit, vegetables, clothing – essentials to everyone’s life.
Marauders And Ignoramuses
To the Editor:
Your article on the stolen political signs was particularly telling because I know from personal experience that presidential signs are fair game to nighttime marauders (and ignoramuses) but I had a difficult time believing that anyone would tamper with a sign for a local candidate (state senate for instance). Today I learned differently.
Yes On Referendum Voting For Waldoboro
To The Editor:
No matter what our town officials and a few others have told you, we need to take a stand and vote yes on article #5 (Referendum Voting) or in simple terms (Secret Ballot Voting).
New Leadership For Maine
We live in a moment of decision in the State of Maine. We have the status quo: 1) a fossil fuel dependent society; 2) an antiquated tax code that is too burdensome on Mainers; 3) low economic growth; and 4) a health care system in decline.
Mental Meandering Sanctuary City Injustice
For a long time now, all we anti-illegal immigration advocates have been hearing, in our perpetual battle with illegal aliens, are the sanctuary cities, who keep screaming that “illegals” should be catered to and protected.
Knows How To Get A Job Done
To the Editor:
My wife and I drive on State Rt. 129 frequently and sometimes ride our bicycles. Until recently this road was in dangerous disrepair, requiring constant maneuvering around hazards.
America Needs Palin
To the Editor:
Barack Obama has run a carefully crafted campaign over the past four years. Since the media chose him as their candidate at the 2004 Democratic Convention.