Bremen Town Clerk Joanne McGregor said July 17, that the town’s new website will continue to improve as she and other town officials learn how to add information.
In May, the town hired Laurie Herron of Royal River Graphics to create the new website. Herron designs print catalogs for companies such as L.L. Bean and Olympia Sports and has made websites for the Gamage Shipyard and the Town of Bristol.
The new WordPress site is designed to provide links to tax maps, ordinances, an events calendar and contact information for town officials.
Images of the town’s tax maps and gallery of photographs have already been added to the site, as have some ordinances, application forms and fee schedules.
Contact information, committee schedules and a listing of more than 20 area businesses also appear at the site at
For more information, contact the Bremen Town Office at or call 529-5945.