The Great Salt Bay School Board approved a three-year teacher contract Tuesday that provides for an eight percent raise over the course of the agreement.
The contract also requires teachers to contribute more to their health insurance plans, said Superintendent Bob Bouchard.
“Most of the contract is the same as the last one, except for wages and health benefit payment provisions,” he said.
The contract provides for a two percent raise for the first year, with three percent raises for years two and three.
Health insurance costs for teachers will increase by varying percentages. Percentage costs for family coverage will remain the same, according to the contract language.
Next year teacher salaries will begin at $33,274 for a beginning teacher with a bachelor’s degree to $63,015 for a 20-year veteran teacher with a master’s degree and a certificate of advanced studies.
The contract will be in force from Sept. 2010 until August 31, 2013.