Bobby Hastings, of Waldoboro, stands with the panther left on his lawn by Medomak Valley High School students from the class of 2017.
The Medomak Valley High School Class of 2017 has adopted a unique way to raise funds for its senior class trip and graduation activities.
Students from the school’s current junior class recently started the Panther Prowling fundraiser to kickstart fundraising efforts for their final year at Medomak Valley.
According to Medomak Valley High School teacher Kali Martin, students and staff use a 3-foot panther sign and 25 paw prints to decorate the lawns of individuals selected for the event.
One of the signs declares an individual has been “prowled,” and students and staff work to stay undetected throughout the process.
“We try to do it as sneakily as we can,” Martin said.
Martin said the process is similar to fundraising strategies employing yard flamingos to cover lawns with a twist unique to Medomak, utilizing the school’s panther mascot.
She said those interested in participating in the event can contact the school and fill out an order form where they can decide whether to prowl themselves, family, or friends.
The charge is $20 with all proceeds going to the class of 2017.
Martin said the idea came up during a meeting of teachers with the grade’s class officers early in the 2015-2016 school year.
“The students were looking to do something unique to Medomak. We thought of Panther Prowling and the idea sort of took off,” Martin said.
Martin said the materials necessary for the fundraiser were acquired at the end of last year, and the first yards were prowled in December 2015.
Students have covered a few more lawns in January and will continue their efforts into the next school year, Martin said.
“There is a waiting list and we are starting to slowly pick it off,” Martin said.
Martin said the reception from the community has been positive and the juniors who have participated in the prowling have enjoyed the experience.
“It’s been pretty fun for the students,” Martin said.