Chris Plummer (left) presents newly elected South Bristol Selectman Bruce Farrin Jr. with “the key to the city” after the annual town meeting at South Bristol School on March 8. Plummer did not seek reelection to the board of selectmen after 15 years. (Maia Zewert photo)
South Bristol residents made quick work of 43 warrant articles during the annual town meeting on Tuesday, March 8.
Approximately 40 people attended the meeting, which was held in the South Bristol School gymnasium.
The meeting lasted about 90 minutes, during which voters approved the $985,519 municipal budget and $2,278,016.05 education budget.
The municipal budget is an increase of $105,504 or 11.99% from the prior year.
The requested donation from the town of South Bristol to CLC Ambulance rose from $37,046 to $86,586, a $49,540 or 133.73% increase. This spike is due to a drop in CLC Ambulance revenues over several years and a need for the towns that use the service to fund operations and capital expenses, as well as competitive wages for emergency medical technicians and paramedics.
Aside from a question about whether South Bristol has first responders, the article passed with no discussion.
“South Bristol first responders are all volunteers,” said South Bristol Fire Department Capt. Terry Mitchell. “Without CLC, we don’t have first responders.”
The education budget is a $167,435.48 or 7.93% increase from last year. The entire budget passed with limited discussion.
Sara Mitchell, chair of the South Bristol School Committee, announced that the committee will soon start the process of creating a long-range plan. She encouraged anyone interested in contributing to reach out to the committee to get involved.
During an intermission, SBS eighth graders Amelia Rice, Avalee Brightman-Uhl, Mercy Buchwalder, Maya Redonnett, Clara Connolly, and Freya Drum raffled off various items donated by Louis Doe Home Center, of Newcastle, as well as Usain Boat, a wooden boat crafted by students. The funds raised from the raffle will support the eighth grade class trip to Washington, D.C. in April, Rice said.
After the meeting, moderator Jim Gallagher swore in Bruce Farrin Jr. and Cassandra McPhee to the South Bristol Board of Selectmen and South Bristol School Committee, respectively, for three-year terms.
Selectman Chris Plummer did not seek reelection after 15 years on the board. Susan Bartlett Rice did not seek reelection to the school committee.
Town Clerk Brenda Bartlett and Town Treasurer and Tax Collector Robert Lincoln were both reelected.