The Waldoboro Police report the following activities from the previous week:
April 8, Officer Thomas Bartunek is investigating a report that someone damaged a motor vehicle while it was parked in Waldoboro (tires cut).
April 8, Sergeant Jamie Wilson investigated a report of a $320 chainsaw stolen from a private residence.
April 9, Detective Lance Mitchell is investigating a report that someone slashed tires on a pickup truck while it was parked in Waldoboro.
April 10, Officer Jeffery Fuller is investigating a report from the Big Apple of a $30.40 gas drive off.
April 10, Sergeant Jamie Wilson investigated a report of a $20 gas drive off from the Big Apple. The subject returned and paid for the gas.
April 10, Sergeant Jamie Wilson is investigating an identity theft complaint.
April 10, Officer Michel Dutil is investigating a harassment complaint.
April 7, While operating a 2001 Dodge pickup truck on Manktown Road around 10:40 a.m., Corey Prock II, 17, of Nobleboro, crossed the centerline and struck a 1987 Jeep pickup, operated by Michael Carter, 18, of Warren, head on. Neither Prock nor Carter were injured. Both vehicles sustained an estimated $6000 damage. Officer Lance Mitchell investigated the accident.
As a result of the accident, Prock was charged with operating left of solid centerline.
April 10, While Patricia Dubord, 63, of Damariscotta was stopped in traffic on the Atlantic Highway, behind James Slayton, 55, of Camden, Dubord’s vehicle was struck in the rear by a northbound 2005 Toyota four door sedan operated by Allison Fisher, 17, Woolwich. The impact caused Dubord’s vehicle to come into contact with Slayton’s 2001 Saab, four door sedan, causing $500 damage to Slayton’s vehicle. Dubord’s 2003 Dodge van and Fisher’s Toyota were not damaged. Officer Jeffery Fuller investigated the accident.
April 8, Detective Mitchell arrested Robert Emery, III, 26, of Warren for burglary and theft, and recovered a $320 chainsaw.
April 10, Officer Michel Dutil arrested Randy Adams, 47, of Jay for operating under the influence
April 10, Officer Jeffery Fuller summonsed Renee Ross, 31, of California for operating without a license.
April 10, Officer Jeffery Fuller summonsed Steven Alexander, 19, of Boothbay for speed 80/55.