The Waldoboro Police report the following activities from the previous week:
May 25, Detective Lance Mitchell summonsed Kristen Holmes-Yattaw for a seatbelt violation and an inspection violation.
May 25, Officer Michel Dutil arrested Lee Bennett, 33, of Waldoboro for domestic violence assault.
May 25, Officer Thomas Bartunek arrested Steven Fuller, 44, of Waldoboro for criminal threatening with a dangerous weapon.
May 26, Detective Lance Mitchell summonsed the following people for seatbelt violations: Dana Gregory, 25, of Waldoboro; Richard Baker, 67, of Waldoboro; David Ochampaugh Jr., 28, of Waldoboro; John Massicotte, 42, of Rockland; Derick Winslow, 18, of Waldoboro; Michelle Kinney, 42, of Nobleboro; David Dow, 44, Waldoboro; James Hall, 31, of Jefferson; Aaron Simmons, 36, of Waldoboro; James Green, 46, Waldoboro; Kelly Benner, 25, Waldoboro; Donn Bowden, 50, Waldoboro; Ian Baird, 24, of Friendship; Sean Oliver, 22, of Newcastle; Robert Baisley, 53, of Waldoboro; Andrew Buck, 31, of Waldoboro; John Minder, 25, of Friendship; David Tolman, 2nd, 31, of Waldoboro; Anthony McKechnie, 30, of Waldoboro; Evan Benner, 19, of Waldoboro.
May 27, Officer Jeffery Fuller summonsed Ronald Paton, 44, of Waldoboro for a seatbelt violation.
May 28, Officer Thomas Bartunek the following people for a seatbelt violation: Travis Morton, 33, of Newcastle; Ryan Thivierge, 26, of Jefferson; Dionne Barnett, 52, of Somerville; George Freeman, 61, of Newcastle; Jason Northrop, 32, of Edgecomb; Toni Grant, 40, of Waldoboro; Sara Bragdon, 24, of Waldoboro; Ralph Grant, 61, of Waldoboro; Zachary Brown, 25, of Somerville (also insurance violation); Mark Elwell, 33, of Warren; Matthew Delano, 36, of Waldoboro (also insurance violation); John Sprague, 53, of Cushing; John Pitcher, 74, of Waldoboro; Philip Czak, 62, of Rockport and Jennifer Tingler, 28, of Gardiner.
May 29, Officer Thomas Bartunek summonsed the following for a seatbelt violation; Brittany Morton, 20, Friendship; Henry Simmons, 45, Nobleboro; Samantha Flint, 18, Nobleboro; Christopher Brown, 27, Rockland (also insurance violation) and Lincoln Davis, 25, Waldoboro.
May 29, Officer Thomas Bartunek summonsed Brittany Bowen, 20, of Morrill for operating out of season with studded snow tires.
May 29, Officer Thomas Bartunek arrested David Hastings, 43, of New Bedford, Mass. for Operating under the influence, Operating after suspension, driving to endanger, failing to stop for police officer and attaching false plates.
May 30, Officer Jeffery Fuller is investigating a report from Teresa Montgomery of the theft of her purse while she was at Hannaford’s.
May 30, Officer Jeffery Fuller arrested Tony Carter, 29, of Waldoboro on a violation of conditional release.
May 30, Detective Lance Mitchell summonsed the following people for seatbelt violations: Ashlyn Finnemore, 16, of Jefferson; Christopher Burton, 41, of Warren; Danny Hilker, 36, of Waldoboro; Michael Blake, 46, of Nobleboro; Priscilla McCue, 53, of Waldoboro; Stephen Wheeler, 48, of Union; Gregory Michaud Jr., 26, of Nobleboro; James Lott, 61, of Friendship; Pamela St. Jean, 52, of Alna; Shannon Cochrane, 34, of Waldoboro and David Powers, 51, of Waldoboro
June 1, Officer Jeremy Joslyn summonsed Angela Quintal, 33, of Waldoboro, for speed.
June 2, Officer Michel Dutil summonsed the following people for seatbelt violations: John Murray, 43, of Waldoboro; Kelley Long, 43, of Gardiner; Wayne Leeman, 37, of Nobleboro; Dean Olsen, 34, of Warren; Karel Young, 26, of Damariscotta; Peter Chase, 25, of Newport; Matthew Benner, 35, of Waldoboro; Darlene Vigue, 41, of Waldoboro; Eric Fraughton, 29, of Waldoboro; Richard Levensaler, 74, of Waldoboro; Henry Cabot, 57, of Waldoboro; Joseph Brave, 23, of Ashland, Mass.; Christina Bain, 55, of Waldoboro; Todd Blackler, 37, of Waldoboro; Lawrence Bredeau, 52, of Waldoboro; Janelle Burns, 19, of Waldoboro
June 3, Officer Michel Dutil summonsed the following people for seatbelt violations: Gregory Mank, 46, of Nobleboro; Stephen Simmons, 52, of Waldoboro; Keenan Jones, 46, of Waldoboro; James Reed, 51, of Waldoboro; Jill Beaudoin, 39, of Nobleboro; Isaac Ward, 30, of Waldoboro; Jayson Maxcy, 27, of Waldoboro (inspection violation also); Scott Elwell, 46, of So. Thomaston; Timothy Feltis, 22, of Waldoboro; Jason Simmons, 36, of Augusta (also unregistered motor vehicle); Stephen Gracie, 55, of Damariscotta; June 4, Officer Michel Dutil summonsed the following people for seatbelt violations: Kathy Grierson, 21, of Appleton; Leah Cook, 18, Union; Nichole Davis, 34, of Damariscotta; Edward Matson, 34, of Waldoboro and Matthew Carr, 37, of Waldoboro.
June 5, Officer Michel Dutil summonsed the following people for seatbelt violation: Nichole Bower, 29, of Friendship; Wayne Cookson, 44, of Belfast; Joshua Asch, 24, of Jefferson and Jonathan Dancer, 37, of Somerville
June 5, Officer Jeremy Joslyn summonsed Linwood Shields, 40, of Warren for operating after suspension
June 6, Sergeant Jamie Wilson arrested Kim Elwell, 49, of Searsport for operating under the influence.
May 25, V1= Eleanore Gushee, 83, of Warren, was entering a parking space on the Kaler’s Corner Rd. around 1 p.m. when she struck an unoccupied a 2001 Ford, four door sedan, operated by Charlene Sanborn, 35, of Waldoboro causing $200 damage to the Ford. Gushee’s 2005 Toyota, SUV sustained $500 damage. Officer Sean Kozer investigated the accident.
May 25, Kelly LaMorge, 33, of Glen Cove was traveling north on the Winslow’s Mills road at 2:45 p.m. when she pulled to the side of the roadway to let traffic go past her and entered a ditch. LaMorge said she did not notice a ditch and got pulled down into it. LaMorge’s 2004 Ford, four door sedan sustained $1000 damage. LaMorge was not injured. Officer Sean Kozer investigated the accident
June 4, Anagail Libby, 22, Waldoboro, who was driving a 1995 Nissan, four door sedan struck 2000 Honda, four door sedan, operated by Jerome Hoffses, 46, of Waldoboro as Hoffses stopped for a pedestrian in traffic on the Coles Hill Road around 2:40 p.m. Libby’s Nissan sustained $1500 damage. There were no injuries. Officer Jeffery Fuller investigated an accident.
May 27, Officer Sean Kozer is investigating a reported stolen street sign.
May 27, Officer Sean Kozer is investigating a report of a stolen phone card and wallet stolen.
June 1, Officer Sean Kozer is investigating a reported burglary.
June 6, Officer Jeffery Fuller is investigating a reported break in and theft of money and medication.
June 6, Officer Michel Dutil investigated a report from the Big Apple of a $60.59 gas drive off. Subject returned and paid for gas.