Debbie Myers entertains the audience during a previous North Nobleboro Day celebration. (Courtesy photo)
The North Nobleboro Community Association is pleased to announce that North Nobleboro Day festivities will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 10 at the community grounds on Upper East Pond Road. This will be the 52nd annual North Nobleboro Day, and for many, this is one tradition that they would not miss for the world.
Members are busy organizing a great day of fun while raising money to benefit the local community. A few traditions have changed, so read on for more details.
The association is pleased to present live music from Debbie Myers from 10 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Myers received the top honors recipient at the 2006-2007 Maine Academy of Country Music Awards as best female vocalist and entertainer of the year. This will be her 19th year at North Nobleboro Day.
This year, Myers will be followed

North Nobleboro Day’s chicken pit crew hard at work. (Courtesy photo)
by Playing Possum, a family trio from Thomaston from 1-4 p.m. with familiar country and folk covers from The Beatles to Alison Kraus.
Once again, an expanded silent auction will replace the live auction. With over 50 donations and counting, it is worth a visit to the new tent next to the newly refurbished basketball and pickleball courts. Bidding will be open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Safely tucked next to the silent auction, kids games, and prizes will abound. Get ready to find some great deals in the trash and treasures sale in the community hall. As always, there will be a large selection of delicious food, including North Nobleboro’s famous pies, fudge, cakes, and cookiesm and an unbeatable chicken barbeque under the big tent,
Proceeds from this event are donated to the Nobleboro Central School library and yearly financial assistance is offered to qualifying post secondary students. Donations are also made to the Nobleboro and Jefferson fire departments and for the care and upkeep of many local cemeteries, ongoing maintenance of the community hall, and the refurbished recreational area.
As the hall is used year-round for group meetings, weddings and suppers, the profits used for upkeep of the facility are tremendously valued.
Anyone who wishes to donate a silent auction item or volunteer should call Holly Harlow at 592-9941 or North Nobleboro Community Association President Pam Edwards at 918-637-7398.
The community hall will be open for trash and treasures donation drop-off on Saturday, Aug. 3 from 10 a.m. to noon and Tuesday, Aug. 6 through Thursday, Aug. 8 from 6-7 p.m. Items must be clean. No large appliances, furniture, or workout equipment will be accepted. For more information, call Tina O’Donnell at 380-3128.
Booths and activities will be open rain or shine. Free admission and parking for all activities at the North Nobleboro community hall and grounds, at the northern intersection of East Pond Road and Upper East Pond Road.

Debbie Myers performs at North Nobleboro Day with Jackson Gay and Redneck Rodeo. (Courtesy photo)