Patrons attending last years chicken pie supper in Whitefield wait on the steps of Kings Mills Union Hall for the second seating. (Photo courtesy Lucy Martin)
Whitefield’s annual fall tradition, the Kings Mills Union Hall Association’s chicken pie supper, will take place this year on Saturday, Oct. 19 from 5-7 p.m.
Prepared and hosted by the association’s volunteers and generous neighbors, this popular public supper will also include assorted vegetables, including creamed pearl onions, peas, squash, mashed potatoes, homemade biscuits, salad, homemade cranberry relish and sauce, coleslaw, and, for dessert, a variety of pies and apple crisp.
The cost is $10 for adults and $5 for children age 10 and younger. The hall is located on Townhouse Road opposite the Kings Mills firehouse.