Coastal Rivers Education Director, Sarah Gladu, will be hosting weekly Fireside Chats every Tuesday in January and February, from 3-4 p.m.
There are many interesting things going on in backyards and woodlots, even in the cold of winter. Trees, birds, and many animals have adapted to freezing temperatures in fascinating ways.
Coastal Rivers Education Director and naturalist, Sarah Gladu, will discuss topics like these during her weekly, “Fireside Chats,” meetings held every Tuesday in January and February from 3-4 p.m. The meetings will be held over Zoom.
The relaxed and unstructured program invites anyone who has nature observations, to share or ask questions about topics in nature.
Participants must register for the Zoom meeting at coastalrivers.org/events.
For more information, email info@coastalrivers.org or visit coastalrivers.org.