Visitors dress in farmer costumes in Pumpkin Vine’s famous “Farmer FotoBooth” during the 2022 harvest festival. (Photo courtesy Kelly Payson-Roopchand)
The fun is on the farm on Sunday, Oct. 27 between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. when Pumpkin Vine Family Farm, at 217 Hewett Road in Somerville, celebrates its fourth annual harvest festival.
There’s fun to be had all day, with several scheduled activities, including a cider-pressing demo by Pressed for Cider and Field of Stones Farm at 11:30 a.m.; sack races at noon, and a harvest singalong at 12:30 p.m.
Harvest games, including apple blaster, pumpkin ring toss, gourd tic-tac-toe, and crafts, such as nature prints with Tammie Nelson and spinning demos with Hawthorn & Thistle; will be ongoing all day.
A farmer photo booth will be set up for the festivities. Attendees can choose from the farmer outfits and props provided (all ages and sizes) and strike a pose on decorated hay wagon for some hilarious and unforgettable memories.
The farmers market will be running all day, with vendors offering everything from squash and mushrooms to olive oil, goat cheese, and focaccia. Red Stove Farm will be serving a seasonal harvest lunch
This is a weather-dependent event and will not be held if there is significant rain or wind. Visit pumpkinvinefamilyfarm.com or find the farm on social media for event updates. This harvest festival is free and open to all.
For more information, call 549-3096 or email info@pumpkinvinefamilyfarm.com.