Because the Nobleboro Historical Society cannot hold its 15th annual “AppleFest,” the society has decided to hold a “Drive-By Apple Pie Buy.” It will be at Nobleboro Central School in the front parking area on Saturday, Oct. 3, starting at 10 a.m. until the 100 homemade apple pies are sold out.
Folks will drive in two parallel lines of cars to the outdoor cashiers and the outdoor pie table. Drivers are asked to wear masks, and will be able to take a look at three boxed apple pies on a table to choose which one they want. Volunteers will also be masked.
The pies are $12 each; additional donations are also appreciated. Cash or checks will be accepted. The Nobleboro Central School is located at 194 Center Street.
The funds raised from this event will be used to support $1,000 scholarships and the Nobleboro Historical Society programs and museum. For more information, call Mary Sheldon at 563-5376.