A honey bee visits a borage flower. (Photo courtesy Alicia OConnell)
Pumpkin Vine Family Farm in Somerville will host a day of education and fun on Sunday, May 12 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. when its experienced farmers will help people get their gardens off to a great start, whether they are 5 or 85!
For those interested in what goes on inside a beehive, Briggs Farm will be here to give a guided look at hive equipment and explain how a hive is structured and how bees build frames of honeycomb. Learn what types of tools are used by beekeepers during inspections, and how people overwinter hives in the north.
For those who want to create a haven for birds, pollinators, and other beneficial insects, the master gardeners from Crystal Lake Farm and Nursery will answer questions on good habitat and help one select the right plants for the home.
For those who want to have fun in the dirt and get a garden started, Sand Hill Farm will be helping children start seeds they can take home and will have their super hardy seedlings for sale to get one’s garden jump-started.
Summit Farm will bring hand-crafted bird houses as well as garden hods and trays to collect and serve one’s bounteous harvest.
For those who just need a snuggle, the 42 kid goats of Pumpkin Vine Family Farm will be on hand to provide some furry love.
And don’t forget to bring Mom! She’ll receive a free bouquet of farm-grown daffodils, as thanks for all the love – and lessons – she raised us with.
The farmers market at Pumpkin Vine Family Farm will be open every Sunday between Mothers’ Day and Christmas. It has a wide array of local products: eggs, meat, honey, maple syrup, goat cheese, milk, yogurt, organic vegetables, baked goods, plants, and flowers. The coffee is always free and the fields are always open for picnics.
Check out the farm’s Facebook page or contact the farm at info@pumpkinvinefamilyfarm.com or 549-3096. Pumpkin Vine Family Farm is located at 217 Hewett Road in Somerville.