Wiscasset Board of Selectmen Chair Ben Rines presents a resolution honoring Ruth Kierstead on her 100th birthday to Linda Winterberg at the Dec. 15 selectmen’s meeting. Winterberg accepted the resolution on Kierstead’s behalf. (Abigail Adams photo)
Saturday, Dec. 19 will hereby be known as Ruth Kierstead Day in Wiscasset.
The Wiscasset Board of Selectmen voted unanimously to honor Kierstead, a former substitute teacher in Wiscasset, on her 100th birthday with a formal resolution and a day named in her honor at their Dec. 15 meeting.
Friend Linda Winterberg was on hand to accept the resolution on Kierstead’s behalf. Chair Ben Rines recalled his time as a student walking into a classroom and seeing that Kierstead was his substitute.
“I realized I was going to have a better day than I thought,” Rines said. “She treated everybody with respect and dignity.”
Kierstead has contributed greatly to Wiscasset through her work at the schools, on town committees, and her involvement with the First Congregational Church, Selectman Judy Flanagan said.
“She is a lady among ladies,” Flanagan said.
The sign outside the Wiscasset Town Office will announce Saturday, Dec. 19 as Ruth KiersteadDay and will wish Kierstead a happy 100th birthday.
In other business, with deep regret Wiscasset selectmen accepted Sgt. Kathy Williams’s official resignation from the police department. “You’ve worked long and hard for this town,” Rines said.
Williams’s last day with the department will be Dec. 25. Selectmen wished her well on her move to Virginia.