Chunk advises readers not to give any scraps to their dogs.
Hello, everyone!
Happy November, and what a wild start to the month I’ve had! Mom brought me to see our awesome vet, Dr. Tichy. My ear was bothering me, and Mom noticed that I was losing some weight. Mom assumed that I’m getting older, and that losing some weight was just part of the process. She asked the vet tech about getting supplements for me, and that’s when everything happened fast.
You see, Dr Tichy saved my life. She felt a mass around my belly and did an x-ray that showed a big mass on my spleen. Dr. Tichy recommended that Mom and Dad bring me to the Portland Animal Hospital, where I received an ultrasound.

Chunk A. Bunk heals after procedure to remove the nine pound mass on his spleen. Chunk feels better and works on his columns everyday.
On Nov. 5, I had surgery to remove my spleen and the nine-pound mass. I had to stay overnight, and I imagined that Boo got into all my stuff.
I got to come home the next day, and while I was sad to leave my new friends, I was so happy to see Mom and Dad. I was even happy to see Boo, Avalon, and the cats. The cats didn’t seem to notice that I was gone; they only noticed that Mom was home and that their dishes had been empty for 3 hours. Those poor things, I don’t know how they lasted.
It was nice to lie on my bed in front of a warm fire and watch those who I love the most. Mom has been spoiling me and I’m slowly putting on weight. She’s been making four to five healthy meals for me every day. Boo makes her presence known when Mom’s cooking, now more than ever.
Every day I’m feeling better. We’re all so grateful to Dr. Tichy and her awesome team, and Dr Sullivan, who operated on me. I’ll tell you, I felt the love!
While I recuperate, Mom and I are working on my column. Onward, and upward!
Here is our first letter from Arnold of Bremen:
Dear Chunk,
I’m going to be six years old next month! I overheard my people saying that I need to be “tutored.” I’m not sure what that is, but I definitely heard my name and that it means going to the hospital. Do you have any experience with being tutored? Are there treats involved? Your experience and insight are appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thanks buddy. I love your column.
XOXO, Arnold
Dear Arnold,
Um, what to say… OK, here it goes. I believe you mean, neutered. This is a simple procedure that a lot of us guys go through. Just to be sure, Mom and I checked with PetMD on Google. It states:
Both testicles and their associated structures are removed, which means you will not be able to reproduce, in short, no babies. Some families don’t neuter their male dogs because they breed puppies, and these puppies are sent to good homes. I have a friend who breeds her dogs, and makes sure they all go to great homes. She even stays in touch with the families.
When I was just a baby, I was found in the trunk of a car in Texas. I was lucky that someone heard me crying and rescued me. I went to a shelter for a few days, where there were many puppies, stray dogs, and cats. Everyone at the shelter helped find homes for them. Neutering for us gents and spaying for female dogs helps keep the population down. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 6.5 million dogs and cats enter a shelter and only 3.2 million find homes.
It sounds like you have a good home and parents who are looking out for you. You will do great dear Arnold. You will go to the vet, fall asleep for a few minutes, and wake up and go home. Please let me know how you are doing.
Our next letter is from Boo, of Bristol.
Dear Chunk,
I can’t help but notice that you get more treats than me. What’s up with that? Is it because you had to go to the hospital?
Dear Boo,
I believe we get the same number of treats- you just happen to inhale yours. Honestly, I’ve never seen you chew! You need to chew at least 20 times. There’s a saying Boo, that every bite should be like a party in your mouth. I do not think you have a party, I think you have a drive by. Slow down and enjoy your treats. Take time to enjoy each bite.
PS. Dropped cat food on the floor does not count as treats.
(Chunk is a therapy dog who lives with his mom and dad, Linda and Ed, another dog, and two cats in Bristol.)