From left: Flora Hewitt, Shirley Haley, and Connie Libby plant petunias in Hodgdon Green’s raised flower bed.
In keeping with the rejuvenating season of spring, several of the residents and staff traveled up Route 1 to Moose Crossing recently. Staffers Angela Eastman and Connie Libby and residents Flora Hewitt and Lila Blechman selected a variety of plants for the home. However, on the way back, a stop was made at only-in-Maine Moody’s in Waldoboro for socializing and supper. A great excursion! The flowers were later put into pots on the porch for all to enjoy. Resident Shirley Haley helped with the finishing touches.
An act of kindness and love was given by Nobleboro Middle School teacher Mrs. Schuster and her class. They made Easter cards for all the residents and brought azalea plants to put out on the grounds. Much appreciated by all!
The Congregational Church of Bristol also brought cheer and blessings to Hodgdon Green. Small spring baskets filled with pansies and other spring beauties were placed on each table in the dining room and here and there throughout the home. A warm “thank you” for this thoughtful gift.
One of the recent outings took the residents to Waldoboro where they enjoyed the talents of a ventriloquist. On the way home, they stopped at where else but Round Top for the first ice-cream treat of the season.
Two new residents have joined the family at Hodgdon Green. Janet Harmon is a Mainer who grew up in Wiscasset. Among other things, earlier in her life she worked at an egg factory in Winterport. She enjoys reading and has done a lot of knitting of mittens for children. She has a daughter who lives in Alna, four grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. Welcome, Janet, and may you find Hodgdon Green to be a warm and caring home.
Staff news includes a welcome to Lynn Russell, who is the new assistant resident care manager. She will be of utmost help to Angela Eastman, resident care manager, in keeping Hodgdon Green a special home for special folks.
A major event took place on Tuesday, April 25, when volunteers under Spectrum Generations and the ElderCare Network of Lincoln County were given an appreciation dinner. The event was held at the Cheverus Hall at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Newcastle. Featured was an “Italian Bistro Affair,” orchestrated and prepared by Chef Elijah Curtis and talented assistants Dan and Claire Mocarski. A grand evening for all.
Birthdays in May include Chef Elijah on May 5 and Patty Hagar on May 29. Special blessings to both these dear folks.
Attention: Mark this Friday, May 5, for Elijah’s Monthly Coffee House from 9-11 a.m. One has to attend to appreciate how special are the delectable edibles, the sweet smiles and graciousness of the residents, the caring presence of the staff, and the warmth and hospitality at this gracious home that is Hodgdon Green.
This quote, taken from a booklet “All Life is Holy, All Life is One,” is by Emerson, and worthwhile repeating: “What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.” Have a blessed spring!