From left: Audrey Hufnagel, John Hagan, and Steve Ward participate in a recent Conversation Circle event at Inn Along the Way. (Photo courtesy Inn Along the Way)
What led me to Inn Along the Way was an article in this paper in late August 2021. I was intrigued by an event called Conversation Circles. The topic was cross cultural and religious perspectives on aging and death. I decided to follow my curiosity and go to the event.
When I arrived, I felt shy and only capable of observation. Once I sat down that changed, I felt the immediate uniqueness and comfort that Inn Along the Way carries. Asking myself at that moment, how could I participate? Fast forward a couple of years and I now work at Inn Along the Way and help facilitate the conversations that first got me here. As some say, you know a good thing when you see it.
On Oct. 1, we held our conversation on intergenerational perspectives on climate. Although our attendance was smaller than usual, the conversation was rich nonetheless. Our two speakers, Audrey Hufnagel, a 17-year-old climate justice activist, and John Hagan, an ecologist, shared their perspectives. Although not in the same generation, their commonalities lie within their passion and dedication towards our climate. What felt most impactful was multiple generations of people talking and listening together.
As was mentioned in the discussion, relational dynamics go a lot further than some might realize. Being able to listen and learn from someone else has the power to make for real change. This is why I gravitated to this event two years ago. It’s an event that welcomes others to share different experiences, knowledge, and insight. There’s a lot of power in listening and communicating. I am grateful to Inn Along the Way for offering a space where no matter who we are there is room for us.
For more information, please call Sherry Flint or check our website. We also have a monthly newsletter, if you would like to keep informed of all the activities that are happening at Inn Along the Way.
Remember, if you’ve lost a loved one and are grieving; are a caregiver, in need of support; if you are at a point of transition and in need of a sounding board or friendly companionship, you are not alone. Call 751-6261 or email info@innalongtheway.org.
(Inn Along the Way is a nonprofit with the goal of transforming the historic Chapman Farm in Damariscotta into an innovative, neighborhood-style setting for older adults and caregivers.)