Oh, no, say it ain’t so! This is an undeniable hint that fall is on its way and there is not much we can do to hinder it. (Photo courtesy Lori Crook)
Driving by Phyllis Loney’s house (the old Floyd and Bertha Leeman home) and noticing this tree stopped me in my tracks. It is bad enough that the burning bushes in the area are getting that faint tinge of red on their tops, but this is an undeniable hint that fall is on its way and there is not much we can do to hinder it. Autumn is a lovely time of year, one of everyone’s favorites, it is just too bad that it is not followed by spring!
The scaffolding has come down that has been adorning the White Church for months. It revealed such a fresh, crisp, regal lady sitting on top of the hill. She looks magnificent and proud once again.
Round Pond Village Improvement Society would again like to thank all of you that have so kindly responded to the letter that was sent out regarding the rebuilding of the No. 1 dock and the funds needed to complete the project. Every dollar is helping immensely in trying to build up the coffers again. Also a reminder, for those that would like to send your yearly dues into Round Pond Village Improvement Society. It is $10/individual and $15/family and can be sent to P.O. Box 182, Round Pond.
King Ro to-go Friday night dinner this week will be lasagna, garlic bread and mixed berry crisp. Call 529-5380.
This Sunday, Aug. 25, will be the last vesper service of the season at the Brown Church. Warren Grant will be the guest minister and vespers begin at 7 p.m.
Wednesday, Aug. 28, will also be the last evening of music at the Brown Church for this season. Jackie Rudy & Friends, who by the way is totally responsible for bringing the series back to the church, will be performing at 7:30 p.m. with doors opening at 7 p.m.
Quote of the week: “A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don’t need it.”