The calm waters of Round Pond harbor. (Photo courtesy Lori Crook)
The harbor now has more empty mooring balls than boats. It is emptying out fast. Most lobster boats that I see coming into the harbor are carrying traps that are being taken up for the winter. The picture above was taken on a very calm Monday morning walk.
The annual Brown Church Christmas service will be held on Sunday, Dec. 1 at 7 p.m. The Rev. Kenneth Smith, along with Rev. Jim Dowse from the Congregational Church of Bristol, will be officiating this year. Voices Rising, an a cappella group that actually performed at last year’s service, will be providing the music again this year. And of course, the much loved hymn sing.
The Round Pond Village Improvement Society will be holding their last meeting of the year on Wednesday, Nov. 20 at 7 p.m. at the firehouse. Our new and very capable officers will be taking over.
Round Pond Coffee will be open Saturday, Nov. 23, Sunday, Nov. 24, and Saturday, Nov. 30 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. The wine bar will be open on Friday, Nov. 22, Saturday, Nov. 23, and Saturday, Nov. 30 from 5-8:30 p.m.
On Nov. 23 from 3-5 p.m., before the wine bar opens, they will be hosting a wine tasting event featuring wines from the Loire Valley, France and led by Loire expert Marie Bradford. Please call ahead for reservations.
I waited until the flower bulb companies had all their bulbs at very low prices to order a couple of hundred more to add to my already established beds. I have learned that you can save well over 60% in doing this. The downside is that I now have to go out and dig all of the holes in the cold before the ground freezes. It all pays off in the spring, however, when their beautiful blooms make an appearance after the dreary, gray winter and early spring.
Quote of the week: “If at first you don’t succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.”