To the Editor:
We should not put “convenience” above democracy.
In Waldoboro, some folks want to do away with town meeting, which is a time-honored mainstay of the democratic process. I must be turning into a curmudgeon because I don’t see the point of ending the traditional town meeting. Town meeting is a public forum where you can debate ideas and issues and become an informed voter. You can thrash things out in a friendly way, and realize that while we may disagree, we are part of a great community.
Voting by secret ballot, on the other hand, is anonymous, alienating and more expensive to us, the taxpayers. Once you’re staring at your long, complicated written ballot, you have no way to know more about what you’re voting on. If an essential town service is voted down at the polls then we have to vote again. This could go on and on, costing money even as people lose interest and stop bothering to vote.
Town meeting works just fine. Vote NO on Article 5 on the local ballot, and keep local control through town meeting. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
Steve Cartwright