To the Editor:
I want to thank Rep. Jonathan McKane for continuing to give us the in-depth truth about many aspects of Maine state government and specifically the expensive Dirigo Health program.
Dirigo is very costly but, unfortunately, it is Maine people and businesses that pay for it and not the large corporations such as “big box” stores that do business in this state. They are exempt from the Savings Offset Payment, the current funding for Dirigo, as we learned from a previous column by McKane.
The new funding method – taxes on wine, beer, soda, will hit Maine people hard, as will the new tax on paid health insurance claims – which, by the way, will continue to exempt those large national and international corporations and leave Maine businesses and families to foot the bill.
McKane’s columns on Dirigo, health insurance, healthcare, government waste, education funding, and much more, help us better understand how our state government works as well as expose boondoggles such as the Dirigo program. The information he provides is a great asset to the people of this district and this state.
It is essential that we re-elect watchdogs such as Rep. McKane to the Maine Legislature to make sure we continue to find out the truth about our state government.
John Reny, Round Pond