Obituaries, Death Notices, and Service Announcements
- All free obituaries must state a Lincoln County connection (for example, the deceased was a Lincoln County resident, survivors live in Lincoln County, the deceased worked in Lincoln County, etc.).
- Obituaries are subject to editing by The Lincoln County News staff to ensure our standards and criteria are met.
- If the above criteria are not possible to meet or edits are not desired, the obituary can be submitted as a paid obituary.
- Please send one photo in .jpg format and the highest resolution possible. Keep in mind that we print obituary photos as head shots. We are capable of cropping the photo if necessary.
- Photos may only be used for obituaries — not death notices or service announcements.
- All free obituaries appear on our website.
Church Page
- Church page submissions are due no later than 11:30 a.m Tuesday.
- Please keep church page submissions concise — The Lincoln County News does not print sermon topics or similar information.
Birth, Engagement, and Wedding Announcements
- At least one party in the announcement must have a connection to Lincoln County stated in the announcement.
- Please include the full name(s) and town(s) of residence of all parties featured in the announcement (for example, the mother and father of the child, bride and groom, etc.)
- Please send one photo in .jpg format at the highest resolution possible.
- All birth, engagement, and wedding announcements appear on our website.
Letters to the Editor Policy
The Lincoln County News welcomes and encourages civil and respectful dialogue about current events through letters to the editor.
- Priority will be given to letters that consider local issues or concerns. Letters that express national and state issues should provide a link or impact to Lincoln County. Those without a link or impact stated will only run if there is room in that week’s edition.
- Limit letters to 500 words or less. Greeting, title, and signoff do not count toward word count.
- Writers are limited to no more than two letters a month.
- General letters of thanks are acceptable. For letters of thanks for individuals or entities, please contact the advertising department.
- Letters will be edited for grammar, punctuation, and clarity.
- Responses to letters that previously appeared on the editorial page are encouraged, and should contain the letter’s title and the date of the edition it appeared in. Responses should avoid using the author’s name and be crafted in a civil manner.
- The Lincoln County News will not publish letters that contain hate speech, personal attacks, or name calling; promotions or sales; letters that are not directed to the editor; or information that could cause harm.
- The Lincoln County News reserves the right to not publish letters for any reason.
- All submissions must include the writer’s full name and town of residence, as well as their title, if writing on behalf of a group, business, or other entity. Writers should provide a phone number for the editor to follow up, if needed.
Letters should be emailed to (preferred), submitted through, faxed to 563-3127, or mailed to P.O. Box 36, Damariscotta, ME 04543.
Guidelines for Letters to the Editor from Political Candidates
The Lincoln County News will publish letters to the editor from political candidates as follows:
- to announce their candidacy;
- to announce the end of their candidacy and their endorsement of another candidate, if applicable;
- to respond to a letter or article in the LCN in order to clarify or correct information about their candidacy;
- to respond to attack ads, such as Facebook ads or mailers, in order to clarify or correct information about their candidacy;
- to write a general letter about their candidacy or a subject of their choice, once before a primary election and once before the general;
- and to provide general legislative updates in a “From the Legislature” column, if currently in office. Columns about individual or partisan accomplishments or goals are subject to the guidelines above.
Letters from political candidates must follow the guidelines for all letters to the editor.
Please call us at 207-563-3171 or email with any questions.