Pursuant to 30-A MRSA 4352, notice is hereby given that Theodore Christie has requested that the Town of Westport Island consider Commercial Fisheries/Maritime Activities zoning for his property located at Map 7, Lot 50 on Westport Island, Maine.
The property is abutted on the North by Map 7, Lot 52.1 owned by the North End Lobster Co-op; on the South by Map 7, Lot 49 owned by the estate of Samuel Soule; on the East by the Back River; and on the West by North End Rd. A map of the property and surrounding properties is attached to this notice.
Specifically, at the direction of the Selectboard, the Planning Board will also consider the process for addressing zoning changes and whether they should be considered as part of a “regional” change in the sub zone boundary or considered on a lot by lot basis (also known as “spot zoning”). The Planning Board will consider first what process should be recommended. Then,
following that decision the Planning Board will proceed using that process to consider the merits of the application for a zoning change.
The public hearing date is 2/12/25 at 6:00 PM at the Town Office at 6 Fowles Point Rd., Westport Island.
Submitted by the Westport Island Select Board, Planning Board, and the Code Enforcement Officer