The Municipal Officers of the Town of Waldoboro, Maine will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, Aug 22, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at the municipal building meeting room, to hear public discussion on the following:
Warrant Article 1 – To choose a moderator to preside at said meeting.
Warrant Article 2 -Shall the Town authorize the sale of the 2 story frame home known as the Hoffses House (located at 467 Friendship Street, Map U-2, Lot 2A) to the most advantageous bona fide offer to relocate or dismantle the structure, and on such other terms and conditions that the Select Board deems to be in the best interest of the Town? This is for the sale of the structure only, no land is included in this sale.
Warrant Article 3 – Shall the Town in the event the Hoffses House in not sold, authorize demolition of the Hoffses House?