Pursuant to 38 M.R.S.A. 1022, notice is hereby given that
Jim Bernard and Deborah Gedaro
have made application within the Town of Westport Island for a license to construct and install a seasonal ramp and float extending approximately:
52 +/- feet into the Back River at the property located on
Map 5, Lot 40 on 8 Andrews Dr., Westport Island, Maine.
The property is abutted on the North by Map 5, Lot 41 owned by Jacques & Amelie, LLC; on the South by Map 5, Lot 39 owned by Coggon Family Irrev. Trust; on the East by Map 5, Lot 43.2 owned by Arno Wirta; and on the West by the Back River.
The hearing date is May 11, 2023 at 5:00 onsite.
Submitted by the Westport Island Select Board.