During the five years of 1936-1940, all surplus alewives at Damariscotta Mills were packed whole, salted, and shipped in barrels to Port au Prince, the capital of Haiti. The Haitian buyer was Brandt, Augusta, Nadal Co., whose trade name was Banco. As shown in the photo, the name Banco was stenciled on each barrelhead. Other information on the barrelhead was “Fancy Maine Alewives, Product of U.S.A., W. I. Oliver inspector.”
Characters of the County: Counting on Erin Bean
It’s hard to forget those who answer the call for help in times of need, whether that’s a friend, family, or even a stranger. For Erin Bean, Dresden resident, Wiscasset Ambulance Service Chief, mother to six, gardener, and bagel baker, she’s been showing up for people for over 25 years.
Westport Island
It all starts out so simple. But gets complicated in a hurry. She lies feeling safe. Warm. Secure. Cared for. Protected. Fed. Loved. In my arms. A death grip on the plastic bottle. Sucking hard and fast. Then dozing for many seconds. Then sucking hard again. Then dozing. Until bottle’s empty and her eyes are closed. So peaceful.
News Along the Way Summer Shuffle
As spring has been slow and steady, summer seems to be coming at full force. Our event list is jam packed and rooms at the inn are being booked. Our life on the farm is full and we are so grateful for all those who contribute their time, energy, and interest into developing and expanding our community and vision.
Round Pond
The area is teaming with wildlife this year, that is for sure. We have had a snapping turtle hanging around for a couple of weeks and are hoping that she laid her eggs on our loam pile. We have named her Winifred. She was hanging around our front step for a day or so and even ate some lettuce that I very carefully set near her.
The Round Pond Chronicles of Adelaide Butman
We were allowed to walk with the boys around the quadrangle between football practice and supper. The lucky couple got the Spoon Holder. This was an unused doorway facing the tennis courts, just a little removed from the beaten track. There was a lively competition for that desirable spot.
Characters of the County: Growing Horizons with Chris Perry
Part of the joy of having a passion is sharing it with others, and for decorated athlete, longtime Bristol Consolidated School physical education teacher, coach, and pumpkin grower Chris Perry, he continues to love working with the young athletes and students of Lincoln County.
Waldoboro Voices 'That Was The Waldoboro Blueberry Juice'
The way Deirdre Haren sees it, taking logged land, littered with stumps, is better than running a tractor over pastureland and dealing with pasture weed for the rest of your life.
Skidompha Skoop
I have some unfortunate and frustrating news to share with you. As of June 4, all libraries within the state of Maine will be experiencing a temporary statewide interruption to our interlibrary loan service. This means that we are now unable to place any requests for materials (books, books on CD, DVDs, library of things, etc.) with any other library.
SBS Gazette
The last week of school often speaks of fun and games at South Bristol School. This year is no disappointment.
Characters of the County: Connecting with Christa Thorpe
To connect with others is a deeply human experience, and in her roles as a teacher, a community development coordinator at Island Institute in Rockland, Bremen School Committee member, and former Bremen Broadband Committee chair, Christa Thorpe has been fostering that kind connection between and within communities her whole life.
Midcoast Matters Beware The Toe-Biter!
The weather is warm, almost summer like to Maine kids, and what these black fly immune children like most is mud. Ponds with squishy edges that guarantee their feet will get wet. Ponds filled with small animals just begging to be caught. Ponds like Haybale at Hidden Valley Nature Center where local fourth grade classes have been spending their May field trip exploring the macroinvertebrates that lay beneath the surface.
Round Pond
Our area is fortunate to have businesses such as J. Edward Knight that are civic minded in giving to the community.
Characters of the County: A Slice of Nick Krunkkala’s Life
Certain things lend themselves to sharing, but there’s something special about food that brings people together. No one knows that better than Nick Krunkkala, the owner of Oysterhead Pizza Co., at 189 Main St. in Damariscotta. While the lifelong food lover shares his culinary passions with the public, he is also an avid pop-culture fan, national champion lacrosse player, and father of two daughters.
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