To the Editor:
I am writing to support the candidacy of Lisa Miller for the Maine House of Representatives, District 52. Lisa is a strong voice in Augusta for the interests of our communities: Chelsea, Jefferson, Somerville, Washington, Whitefield, and Hibbert’s Gore.
Commentary-Tax ‘Reform’ Is Not Tax Relief
Last week my opponent in this election, Peter Drum, wrote a lengthy column on tax reform and specifically on LD 1925, the infamous “tax reform” bill, and questioned my opposition to the bill.
Schools still have a chance to be saved
This week the Coalition to save Maine Schools will be submitting 60,000 signatures to the Secretary of State in order to repeal Maine’s new school consolidation law.
Happy To Vote For Bond
To the Editor:
Voters have a chance on Nov. 4 to return as County Commissioner someone who is clear thinking with deep roots and dedication to Lincoln County.
Frequently Asked Questions Answered
To the Editor:
Damariscotta, Newcastle, and Nobleboro voters will decide the outcome of an important referendum question this November. The voters in these three towns will consider expanding the territory of Great Salt Bay Sanitary District (GSBSD) to include the entire area of Nobleboro.
Give Your Vote To Bruce
To the Editor:
I would like to express my support for Bruce MacDonald in his bid to be re-elected to the State House of Representatives.
Chip Community Cares Day
To the Editor:
Community Housing Improvement Project, Inc.’s (CHIP, Inc.) mission to keep our neighbors safe, warm, and dry has inspired involvement by many neighbors.
Casino A Bad Gamble For Maine
To the Editor:
Like a bad penny, Maine casino proposals keep bouncing back.
Pay A Far Greater Price
To the Editor:
I’m fed up — with the doom and gloom, misinformation campaigns that overrun the state whenever Maine’s Legislature passes good public health policies. We’ve seen it time and again.
A Valuable Asset To The Senate
To the Editor:
Last November, David Trahan of Waldoboro telephoned me to offer his assistance in collecting signatures for the citizen initiated petition to repeal the school consolidation law.
District 50 Needs Pieh’s Voice
To the Editor:
Wendy Pieh has served the citizens of Lincoln County well. She has proven to be a hard worker, bi-partisan problem solver and thoughtful policy maker.
Keeping Damariscotta Independent
To the Editor:
I would like to congratulate the owners of the “Fisherman’s Catch Seafood Market” in Damariscotta for their effort to ‘Keep Damariscotta Independent’ by buying locally.
From Legislative Candidate Peter Drum
We must provide tax relief for Mainers.
Wood Boiler Rule changes
A hearing will take place on Oct. 16 regarding proposed changes to wood boiler rules. Some of the proposals include requirements for outdoor pellet boilers such as setbacks from neighboring properties and minimum stack height and a replacement and buyback program to remove nuisance outdoor wood boilers that were installed prior to