We want to hear your thoughts as we kick off a series of public engagement meetings related to the ongoing comprehensive plan update effort.
News Along the Way Conversations and Perspectives
What led me to Inn Along the Way was an article in this paper in late August 2021. I was intrigued by an event called Conversation Circles. The topic was cross cultural and religious perspectives on aging and death. I decided to follow my curiosity and go to the event.
Damariscotta History Capt. Stephen C. Whitehouse, a Masonic Brother and Civil War Soldier
This article took place here in Damariscotta when Everett Stetson was master of Alna Lodge No. 43 in 1861. We find that on April 30, 1861, a middle-aged man from Newcastle had signed a petition to join Alna Masonic Lodge at the age of 40 years. He was a man of good statue, of sound mind, a good businessman, and believed in God. The candidate’s name was Stephen C. Whitehouse.
Characters of the County: On Stage with Paul Mellyn
The Midcoast has always enjoyed a vibrant music scene, one that’s brighter during the summer months, and those familiar with the scene know the familiar faces in the crowd and on stage. One of those recognizable faces is Paul Mellyn, a New England Bluegrass Hall of Famer and home restoration specialist who has been playing here since the 2000s.
Round Pond
For the last week or so our blue skies have been gray, and the sun has been looking more like a daylight moon. With the wildfire smoke from Canada making its way to our region we have been experiencing what looks like smoggy city skies. Finally on Sunday the blue skies were back, and the temperatures were feeling like July. We will gladly take it knowing what we do about the months to come.
Thrifty Good Food Harvest Gatherings
Festive fall country fairs have from time immemorial honored the harvest and those who have made it possible by celebrations of the season with sociability and food. For city dwellers it often is the only way to get close to a farm and its animal inhabitants, displayed in various pens competing for a blue ribbon of excellence.
We’ll come right out and say it – we look forward to Pumpkinfest each and every year.
Newcastle History Cattle Pounds and Roaming Animals
Some time ago I was interested to hear on my television authorities in Maryland were looking for two stray cows. I don’t know where. Then, they had pictures of a flock of sheep roaming free in Gardiner.
Characters of the County: The Thrilling Adventures of Doug Preston
At the end of a long, one-lane dirt road in Bristol is a hill sloping like a cliff on Muscongus Bay. Perched there is the house Doug Preston lives in, an idyllic haunt for the New York Times bestselling author, and outdoorsman, to write his popular thrillers and nonfiction work.
Round Pond
For many, many years we all have seen the lady walking along the side of the road, with her plastic bag in hand, picking up bottles and cans. Perhaps a few of you know her, but I have always been more than a little bit curious to know her story. My curiosity finally got the better of me and I stopped on the Lower Round Pond Road this past weekend to speak to her.
Damariscotta Comprehensive Plan Update
Mark your calendar for the upcoming public engagement meetings. This is another opportunity for you to provide input in this important process as we plan for the future of our town. The four recurring themes emerging from the data gathered so far – village/downtown area enhancements; bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure; recreation opportunities; and housing – will be grouped into three interactive meetings.
Wit & Wisdom September Color
Yellow bus is morning
Gathers children for school
A Bangor Daily News article about The Forks Plantation caught our eye earlier this month, and we cannot stop thinking about it.
Characters of the County: Kyle O’Brien’s Life on the Water
With its long evergreen forests and storied glacial coast, Maine’s history of nurturing outdoorsmen almost goes without saying. Lincoln County shares in that history, evidenced by residents like Kyle O’Brien, a fourth generation Bremen lobsterman, who, when not on the boat, is hunting for deer and occasionally moose.
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